When work is wearing or exhausting, it’s easy to point out the things that pull you down at your work – toxic cultures, long hours, no chance for advancement or growth. Even if you haven’t found the job of your dreams or are wanting to add something new to your plate to help your happiness. Finding ways to feel happy now, creating ways to be present, finding ways to dream or space to imagine, being outdoors, or in an environment that you love will help improve you overall wellness.
Detox work, shed behaviors that aren’t serving you, and step into your own confidence with clarity and courage. Hit RESET and try a customized work detox.
This work detox is all about women taking up space, energizing with solution-base mindset, cleansing out and negative energy from previous work conditions and stepping into positive lifestyle, mindset, leadership. Bring in alignment with body and sensory and creative tools to detox work, hit reset, and live a full life.
Customized Work Detox Apply for Details
If you wanting a customized work detox plan, apply for a listening session here. We hop on the phone. You talk. I listen and ask you great questions. Then I’ll see if I can create a unique plan for you to have a customized work detox for your unique situation.
Strategies for positive mindset and possibilities, creative confidence explorations, and energy renewal rituals.